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Anger Management

Controlling anger is something most people have not mastered yet.  Unfortunately, there are just instances when people would lose their cool.  Anger streams from a mixture of emotions.  It could be caused by severe stress, frustrations, emotional breakdowns, or miscommunications in personal or professional relationships.

Anger is a normal response by one’s body to protect itself.  However, too much anger whether expressed or unexpressed is a hazardous business.  Physically, it causes severe effects to one’s blood pressure, heart rate, pulse rate, and other functions of the body.  Psychologically, it alters one’s thinking and may contribute for him to do something unpleasant or unlawful.  This could include punching the person in the face, stabbing the person to death, slapping or pulling the person’s hair, or shooting them with a gun. Emotionally, it could cause heartaches, pain, and guilt afterwards. It leads to more stress and many sleepless nights. Many friendships and good relationships have been torn apart because of anger.  The combination of all these things plus the continued practice and showcase of anger disrupts one’s environment and might even lead to one’s death.

It is for this reason that people should try to control their anger.  There are anger management sessions that allow the person to release frustrations in a more constructive way.  This helps him redirect his focus to another object.  Here, a person learns that uncontrolled rage is bad for one’s health and one’s body.  They also help people increase their patience to be more tolerant of people, and to think first and communicate with the person concerned, before making a reaction.  In instances where this might be difficult, they are taught to seek the help of other people or a third party which will make both parties come to terms.

In the sessions, clients are taught about stress management.  They are taught to be forgiving of others.  They are also taught relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing.  They are taught about empathy which is being able to put oneself in the other person’s shoes, and being more understanding.  And since anger is a normal response, they are taught how to express it in the right way.  Anger management teaches a person that nothing will be resolved by screaming, shouting, breaking objects, or just keeping quiet.  They should approach the person and tell him directly that he is angry with him, what caused it, and how it can be resolved.  He should also be open to explanations of the other person and listen to what he has to say.  Then after such, one should be thankful for the explanation.

Remember that whatever hurtful remarks and whatever unnecessary actions committed during the verge of anger could not be taken back. And sometimes the wounds take a long time to heal completely. One should not let his anger take over his body and mind.  Anger management is the key so that the effects of anger could be controlled and the effects to personal relationships be prevented. 


Anger Issues & Triggering Factors

Getting angry at someone or something is all natural. As long as you can handle your emotions, there is nothing wrong with being angry. The problem arises when the anger is no longer under control. There are innumerable anger issues which could certainly make things worse for you and the people around. When left unaddressed, the excessive and uncontrollable anger could entirely ruin your life.

There are various concerns and facts about anger which must be fully grasped and understood. Knowing what triggers the problem could make a lot of difference in the way you deal with anger issues in your life.

About bottled-up anger

Anger must be expressed. People who keep their anger and emotions to themselves end up having the problem spinning out of control. It is necessary to express how angry you are but make it constructive and non-violent. There are bottled up anger problems which could have drastic impact to your psychological makeup. It could also lead to physical ailments as well as depression. For instance, keeping your anger to yourself could only make you angrier.

Relaxing and breathing

Taking deep breaths especially if you are getting furious at something is quite therapeutic. In fact, relaxing your body and mind through breathing is the initial step to anger management. Do not step in the midst of a raging reaction. Step back, take a deep breath and relax. You will feel how this could significantly calm you down and curb anger response. Relaxation and meditation is a great anchor to avoid getting carried away to flood of angry feelings. It helps you gain perspective.

Anger issues could certainly have damaging impact in your life especially when wrongly handled. Getting furious could essentially ruin your personal and social relationships but you also have the power to avoid this.


  • Kassinove H. PhD. ABPP, Tafrate C. 2002. “Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners.”  Department of Psychology, Hofstra University.

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