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How to Manage Anger and Overcome Outbursts

Being angry is normal. Anger is one of the most natural human emotions. In fact, it is therapeutic and necessary to get angry sometimes. Nevertheless, anger only turns destructive and unhealthy when it already spins out of control. Excessive and uncontrollable anger could eventually affect and destroy your professional, social and personal life. Hence, it is important to basically know how to manage anger. Constructive anger could make a big difference in your life and interaction with other people.

Express Yourself – Constructively!

It is totally normal and fine to express how angry you are. Just make sure you express it in a way that nobody gets hurt in any manner possible. There is a big difference in assertiveness and aggressiveness when expressing your anger. Do not do something which could aggravate the situation such as screaming or yelling at the other person.

Take a Deep Breath and Relax

The simplest and effective way of managing your anger is relaxation. There are various tips on how to do this technique. Meditation is a very good and obvious solution for those who are grappling with anger and rage. Handling your angst is possible through deep breathing which is fundamental in meditation and calming methods. Deep breaths are not only ways on how to manage anger. It also significantly and naturally reduces anxiety. To become less irate, simple take a deep breath, close your eyes and think of peaceful and tranquil memories and images.

Anger is known to be an end-result of so many stressors in life. You may have stress in your work, school and family life. When all these are combined, the pressure could simply build-up and result to rage and anger. How to manage anger? Identifying the problem is the key to finding the right and most effective solutions for you.



  • American Psychological Association: Anger Control
  • American Association of Anger Management Providers



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