> Live Longer
Live Longer - Reduce StressDo you want to live a longer, happier, healthier and more fulfilling life? Well get involved in the world!The more you are connected to others and try and help others the more you will help and develop yourself.Experts and academics continue to stress the importance of social interaction, because we need social interaction to nourish our development at different stages of our life. If a person remains isolated from their family, peers or anyone in their community, then it becomes much more difficult to learn necessary social skills. These skills allow people to interact and establish good relationships and support networks with others around them. People who are isolated from others usually suffer from boredom, low self esteem, low motivation, and poor job performance, as well as many other consequences - physical, emotional and psychological. This will mean that you are more likely to have a negative outlook on life. Some of the ways in which social interaction helps to reduce stress:
We are born to interact with others, and the more we seek the positive company of like minded people the happier our mind will become. "Human beings are intrinsically, necessarily and by definition social beings who - beyond being gregarious creatures - cannot survive and meet their needs other than through social cooperation and association" - Karl Marx
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